Enfamama A+ with 360° DHA PLUS is a high quality milk supplement specially formulated for pregnant and lactating moms.
Pregnant and lactating moms have increased nutritional needs to support both mom and developing baby in this crucial period.
Appropriate nutrition, environmental influence and sensory stimulation play important roles in overall mental and physical development of your developing baby.
As parents, you aspire for your child to have well-rounded development in key developmental areas: Cognitive, Motor, Emotional and Communication.
With over 100 years of experience in pediatric nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition has designed Enfamama A+ with 360º DHA PLUS, a high quality milk supplement specially formulated for pregnant and lactating moms.
Increased level of DHA and Choline▲. DHA and Choline are found in breastmilk.
Essential nutrients: Folic acid, Iron, Zinc, Iodine, and Vitamin B6 which are important for your developing baby
。Folate helps to maintain the growth and development of the foetus.
。Iron needs rise tremendously during pregnancy. Iron for formation of red blood cells, which carries oxygen to all parts of the body.
。Calcium supports the development of strong bones and teeth.
Now, Enfamama A+ is also added with prebiotic (inulin) which helps increase intestinal bifidobacteria and helps maintain a good intestinal environment.