Stimulation and play help your child learn, through interaction with toys and people such as parents, siblings, and friends. This helps the brain make and strengthen the synapses1. The more interesting and interactive the experiences, the greater the number of neurological connections your baby can make, leading to cognitive, motor, emotional, and communication skills development.
Parents who understand and support play that is appropriate for each age will nurture child development for continuous learning.
Age-appropriate play
1 year: Babies learn to play through their own actions, their interaction with people and objects around them. Parents can help babies learn by talking, dancing and laughing with them and helping them explore the world around them. Suggested activities include playing peek-a-boo, singing nursery rhymes and reading picture books.
2 year: Children start to recognize the names of familiar people, objects, pictures, and body parts. Support your child’s imagination by providing toys that resemble real items such as cars and kitchen equipment. Toys such as building blocks and shape sorters will also encourage your child’s creativity.
3 year: Children have more physical development and motor skills. Children have a better understanding of the environment, and their imagination is wider and more complicated. In pretend play, children can perform social roles like mommy, daddy, teacher or doctor. This will help them understand the conditions, roles and importance of other people, so children can learn to share, exchange, and interact with others for optimal social experience. Encourage motor skill development through activities such as drawing and painting.
Actively stimulating your child with every day helps strengthen brain connections. A simple key to achieve and accelerate Learning
1.Schiller P. Early brain development research review and update. Exchange 2010:26-30.