The 360° well-rounded development of your child is demonstrated by milestones across 4 key skill areas, that can be measured at every stage:
Searches for hidden items where last seen
Begins to have a sense of time (nap after lunch, bath before bed)
May alternately cling to and pull away from you
May show empathy (for example, patting your back when you’re upset)
Understands around 70 words by first birthday
Understands concepts of up, down, off and hot
- Uses a cup with one hand
- Learns to kick a ball
- Remembers parts of stories
- Likes to classify and organize objects (by size, color); sees patterns
- Moves effortlessly (walking, running, jumping)
- Catches a large ball
- Draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts
Very interested in new experiences
May have imaginary friends
Understands basic turn-taking
Wants to be like friends
- May develop fears
- Can be both demanding and cooperative